Mount Jagungal

Mount Jagungal

Mount Jagungal in January
Elevation 2,061 m (6,762 ft)
Location New South Wales, Australia

Mount Jagungal is a mountain within the Jagungal Wilderness Area of the Kosciuszko National Park in New South Wales, Australia. At 2061 metres AHD, Mount Jagungal surpasses any elevation except for peaks in the Main Range and Gungartan (which is directly adjacent). Because it stands alone in an extensive plain Mount Jagungal is visible for many kilometres in all directions. Similarly, there is an excellent view from the top in all directions.

The Jagungal Wilderness Area is a large wilderness region north of the Main Range. Within this area there is some excellent alpine walking in summer and cross-country skiing in winter. As about 70% of the region is open grassland, it is possible to walk almost anywhere. The Alpine Hut, near Mount Jagungal was built in 1939 to cater for skiers. Access was arduous - via packhorse and ski.[1]

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